The huge number of humpback whales entering Hervey Bay has made for amazing whale watching experiences. Wonderfully calm weather over the last week has resulted in excellent conditions for whale watchers who have come from all over the world to encounter our majestic, playful, curiously friendly humpback whales. Saturday’s Blessing of the Fleet ceremony went off with a bang! Yes there were fireworks, singers, bands, markets and many locals and visitors checking out the whale watch fleet. Freedom was lucky enough to have the New Zealand Culture group performing onboard and the dolphins came to greet us outside the harbour while the performers sang hauntingly lovely Maori songs and Hakas. There is much more to come as the Whale Festival continues right through the month of August. Check out the programme here
Most of the amazing whale watching so far this season has been of juvenile whales and all their playful behaviours and interactions with each other. Yesterday they were making bubble trails, grunting, breaching and mugging the boat for ages. Up to 8 whales around the boat at one time. On Sunday we had beautiful whale singing through our hydrophone and it brought a tear to the eyes of the hardened crew!! One day last week the young whales were tail slapping repeatedly for 20 times in a row. It must be a form of communication. Our passengers were too busy watching whales to enjoy the scones and profiteroles for morning tea. Yes whales before morning tea, during lunch and even on the way home while eating fruit and cheese for afternoon tea.
Don’t miss the amazing show that is whale watching in Hervey Bay on the Fraser Coast, two and a half months of the season left!